Tuesday, October 24, 2006

alex p. keaton was a republican

i am full of stuff to talk about today, i suppose. this is a major holy effing crap to make your ears emit steam and other toxic fumes.

(CBS/AP) His body visibly wracked by tremors, actor Michael J. Fox appears in a political ad that was the subject of widespread discussion on Monday after conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh claimed Fox was "either off his medication or acting." A victim of Parkinson's disease, Fox speaks out in the ad for Missouri Democratic Senate candidate Claire McCaskill, who supports embryonic stem cell research. "I think this is exploitative in a way that's unbecoming of either Claire McCaskill or Michael J. Fox," Limbaugh said on his syndicated show. read more here.

as my dear friend tina just pointed out, republicans are insane. today, rush limbaugh to claimed that michael j. fox (my second grade boyfriend) was acting worse off than he actually is while speaking in favor of stem cell research AND last year they aligned max cleland with osama bin laden because he opposed the war. don't they know that alex p. keaton was on their side at one point, before they started alienating him with their holy war?

how is it "exploitative" and/or "unbecoming" to speak out in favor of something you support or DO NOT support? ESPECIALLY if you have a disease that could be eliminated entirely if only people weren't such raging douche wads like rush limbaugh himself. i'm assuming that if i was suffering from parkinson's disease (or if i was a triple amputee and veteran like cleland), i would probably be in favor of curing that and other diseases (and i would likely be in opposition of war in general.) if a diseased person were opposed the curing of diseases and if an amputee veteran whole heartedly supported war, i would call that person the biggest masochist on the planet earth. WHAT THE EFF?!?! how does that shit storm still have a job?

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