baron davis tore it up last night--despite a persistent knee injury and pulling his hamstring in the in the middle of the first quarter--leading his team to a first round victory over the dallas mavericks (in your face mark cuban.) that was one exciting game and although his teammates represented, davis was definitely the star of the show.
he's a nugget and half and i heart his "tv on the radio" 70s beard...plus, has a pension for making some AMAZING shots. i've never really been into sports but now i'm addicted and want to see our golden state warriors go all the way! we believe! oh yes we do!

*special shout out to another pair of nuggets: danny & oswald from the amazing race. i'm in love with this dynamically gay duo and seriously want them to adopt me. they are the cutest amazing racers ever and although they were eliminated this week, they will always be winners in my heart.
jock-talk unibloggal style, heart it. almost as much as i heart b.d.
i would like thank dirk for all the amazing shots he had last night. right on mr. mvp
As Baron's high school geometry tutor, I can honestly saw I taught him that arch.
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