Wednesday, July 05, 2006

teen beat tuesday (or wednesday)

please pardon my tardiness, but as you're likely aware, yesterday was america's birthday and like you, i was celebrating. without further adeiu:

ladies and gentleman, scott speedman! i am offering up this morsel of hot dogginess because people like to eat hot dogs on the 4th of july and also because i watched a crap load of felicity this weekend. if you've never accepted felicity and her gang into your television family, you should do as i did and netflix all four seasons just as soon as you can. poor felicity could never decide between ben covington (scott speedman) and noel crane (some annoying famous chick's ex-husband whose real name i can't remember). i don't want to ruin the end of senior year (4th season) for you, but clearly ben/scott here is the logical choice for dear felicity. he's whispery and complicated and sometimes punches people while brooding around looking all hot and mildly disheveled. he also plays basketball (without being a BSG) and likes messed up girls as much as any hunky and slightly unavailable guy. oh and he had an affair with a married woman and once got a girl prego in high school, so he has lots to talk about when dates get boring. the only problem is, his most recent career eandeavors (underworld and xXx part 2) are a little iffy, so stick with felicity please.


teena turner said...

i'm watching felicity right now and give you the double "hell yeah" on scott speedman. also, my dude made the connection that speedman is a pre-cursor to grey's anatomy's mcdreamy. like, soooo true!

Anonymous said...

total babecity.